Ports & Terminals

Port and Terminals rely on FlexTerm digital twinning for studying, designing, and optimizing the complex logistics systems of a port ecosystem. FlexTerm supports systems integration for infrastructure, equipment, automatic control systems, sensors, and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Whether by simulating the new design or emulating terminal operations with a new TOS version, FlexTerm can answer critical questions about performance before you commit capital expenditures.

Shore Power

Simulate cold-ironing or alternative marine power adaptation plans to evaluate outcomes for reducing air emissions and improving local air quality.

Renewable Energy

Simulate design plans for turbine and foundation fabrication zones, offshore foundation designs, and barge transport for offshore wind facilities to identify and correct issues before real-world notice to proceed.

Oil & Gas

Identify bottlenecks for processing capacity, including loading/offloading, storage capacity and jetty pumps; cost-effectively test multiple 'what-if' scenarios for throughput demand and/or infrastructure to evaluate performance and support decision-making; and optimize resource utilization such as tank storage to increase operational efficiency.

Rail Intermodal

Optimize cargo movement and analyze complex rail sequences through any type of transportation corridor.

For facility planning, use FlexTerm to verify both the design capacity and the optimal operations configuration to provide guidance for equipment selection and staffing requirements.

Sensitivity analysis examines critical factors, such as bottlenecks, and a multiple-scenario comparison study can help identify the impacts of various operating constraints.